Wednesday, February 16, 2005

code purists

for me design is a fine mix of art + idea, technology is just the tool we use to get it to the audience.
I am torn between wanting to have my sites verified (wc3) and wanting lush imagery . I have recently discovered the joys of CSS styles as a way of including background imagery and still being able to validate my pages . So IM spreading the word . CSS is the best thing since sliced bread!
if you don't believe me check out this site: csszengarden
. We have been playing with flas so I include a work in progress- zoommap- its just a rough at the moment.

but back to my code purist rant-
there are those out there who look down there noses at code generated by dreamweaver and say hand coding is the only way . If this is true how did dreamweaver get to be the best html layout tool available ????
I agree the validation tool is not so good. But if ever one thinks dreamweaver produces gooblygook bloated code then surely there must be tools to pair it back ?
I've been using dreamweaver to make web pages for about 4 years - I dont want to go back to handcoding -ekkk.

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