Thursday, September 21, 2006

luxor again

for the belated post - we have been down by the red sea - scuba diving (yes the shock will pass soon.) I have a lot to tell but had no internet access for more than 4 days !
My 2nd lesson with Khairiyya Marzin went even better - she has taught me the basic steps, and we have worked out a non verbal communication system. She says "good" alot - I think she is being polite but bear says she likes my dancing.
The gwazzee style basic step is very much a twist of the body manufactured by the lifting of the knee and a swing of the hip. I think I have it now, its a relaxed and soft style but the breaks and hits make sense to me and it fits with the music well.
She is disappointed I cant stay for tea as I have to rush back to the hotel to jump in the shower (gets pretty sweaty dancing in luxor) . We have pick up arranged for our transport to masa alam - south of hurgada - we have to go in a convoy - leaving at 2pm about 2 buses 4- 6 mini busses and a few cars full of tourists escorted by police along the high way like some kind of crazy race all the drivers justly constantly for first position we reached camp nakari by 9 or 10 at night.

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